owlbear cub bg3

How to Get the Owlbear Cub in Baldur’s Gate 3 Ultimate Guide

If you’re looking to add some charm and a bit of wild to your party in Baldur’s Gate 3, the adorable owlbear cub is the companion you need.

This guide will walk you through each step to find and tame this unique creature, ensuring you gain a loyal new friend for your adventures.

Get ready to dive into the thrill of the hunt and bring the owlbear cub into your team!

Owlbear Cub BG3

The Owlbear Cub in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a charming and wild companion that can join your party. To get the owlbear cub, you need to locate it in its cave and make the right choices to tame it.

Stay attentive and befriend this unique creature to enrich your adventures in the game.

How To Find The Owlbear Nest

owlbear nest

Start your journey by heading towards the wilderness located to the west of the Druid Grove. This area is known for its dense foliage and winding paths, so be prepared for a bit of exploration.

Look for a large, distinctive cave entrance guarded by some goblins. These goblins can be tricky to handle, so make sure your party is well-equipped and ready for battle.

Tips for Clearing Out the Goblins

Removing the goblins guarding the cave entrance can be quite challenging, but with the right strategy, you can overcome them with ease. Here are some notes and tips to help you succeed:

  1. Scout the Area: Before engaging, take some time to observe the goblins from a safe distance. Look for any patrolling guards and note their patterns. This can help you plan your attack more effectively.
  2. Use Stealth: If any of your characters have high stealth abilities, use them to your advantage. Sneak up on isolated goblins to take them out quietly without alerting the entire group.
  3. Ranged Attacks: Utilizing ranged attacks can help you take down goblins from a distance, minimizing the risk of getting overwhelmed. Characters equipped with bows or spells can strike the goblins from afar.
  4. Area of Effect Spells: Goblins often cluster together, making them vulnerable to area of effect spells. Use spells like Burning Hands or Thunderwave to deal massive damage to multiple enemies at once.
  5. Environmental Hazards: Make use of the environment. Look for objects such as crates or barrels that can be used to create barriers or traps, hindering the goblins’ movement and giving you the upper hand.
  6. Focus Fire: Concentrate your attacks on one or two goblins at a time to quickly reduce their numbers. This lessens the overall damage your party takes and prevents being swarmed.
  7. Healing and Buffs: Ensure that you have ample healing potions and buffs ready. Use spells like Bless or Healing Word to keep your party in fighting shape.
  8. Retreat if Necessary: If the battle turns unfavorable, don’t hesitate to retreat and regroup. It’s better to live and fight another day than lose the entire party.

Once you’ve cleared out the goblins, you’ll have a clear path to enter the cave.

Navigating the Cave

owlbear cave

Once inside, the cave can get very dark, so bring along a reliable source of light such as a torch or a spell that illuminates your surroundings.

The cave is filled with twists and turns, so move carefully and avoid rushing. Traps are common in these caves, so proceed with caution.

It’s a good idea to have a character with a high perception skill to spot and disarm traps before they can cause harm.

Note: When talking to the owlbear or its cub, make sure to choose a character who can communicate with animals or one who’s good at handling animals.

Tips for Finding the Owlbear

  1. Listen for Sounds: As you delve deeper into the cave, pay close attention to any sounds of movement. The owlbear cub and its mother make distinctive noises that can guide you in the right direction.
  2. Look for Clues: The cave may contain clues that indicate you’re on the right path, such as scratch marks on the walls or remnants of prey. These signs are useful in tracking the owlbear to its nest.
  3. Prepare for a Fight: The mother owlbear is fiercely protective of her cub, so be ready for a tough encounter. Make sure your party is healed and your spells are prepared before advancing too far into the cave.

Encountering the Owlbear

Eventually, you will come across the owlbear nest, a wider section of the cave where the mother and cub reside.

Approach slowly to avoid startling the creatures. Engaging the mother owlbear can lead to a challenging battle, so consider all your strategies before making any moves.

Using non-lethal methods or spells that can calm the beast might give you a better chance to tame the cub.

Befriending the Owlbear Cub

To befriend the owlbear cub, you need to show it kindness and patience. Use dialogue options that are gentle and non-threatening.

Offering food or using animal handling skills can increase your chances of success. Once the cub sees you as a friend rather than a threat, it may decide to join your party, adding a delightful and unique companion to your adventures in Baldur’s Gate 3.

How to Save Owlbear Cub

owlbear cub

If you successfully befriend the owlbear cub, you’ll have the option to save it from its captivity within the goblin-infested cave.

To do this, choose dialogue options that show concern for the cub’s well-being and offer to take it with you on your adventures. Once accepted, the cub will follow you as a companion and no longer be in danger.

Be sure to keep the owlbear cub safe and well-fed, as it will continue to grow and gain strength under your care. It may even prove useful in future battles, making your decision to save it all the more rewarding.

How to Open Chest in Owlbear Cave

Opening the chest in the owlbear cave can be both exciting and challenging. As you explore the cave, you’ll find a hidden chest that is often locked or trapped.

First, ensure you have a character with high lock-picking skills or carry lockpicks to bypass the lock. If the chest is trapped, use a character with a high perception skill to detect and disarm the trap before attempting to open it.

Once the chest is safe to approach, interact with it to unlock and reveal its valuable contents. Be ready for potential surprises inside, as this chest could contain rare loot or helpful items for your journey.

How to Get Baby Owlbear BG3

To get the baby owlbear in Baldur’s Gate 3, you must first befriend and save it from its captivity within the goblin-infested cave.

After successfully befriending the cub and completing any necessary quests or battles, you will have the option to take it with you as a companion.

From there, make sure to keep the owlbear cub safe and well-fed, as it grows and becomes a valuable asset to your party. The baby owlbear can also be used in battle or as a unique addition to your campsite.

Keep in mind that the owlbear cub may have specific needs or preferences, so pay attention to its reactions and take care of it accordingly. With proper care and management

How to Hatch Owlbear Egg

hatch owlbear egg

To hatch an owlbear egg, you need to create the right environment for incubation and closely monitor the egg’s progress.

Start by keeping the egg in a warm and safe place. You can use a small hearth or magical heat source to maintain the necessary temperature.

Regularly check the egg for any signs of movement or cracking, which indicate the hatching process is beginning.

Make sure to turn the egg gently every few hours to ensure even heat distribution. Once the owlbear chick starts to emerge, be patient and let it break through the shell on its own.

Creating a nurturing atmosphere and providing immediate care post-hatching will help ensure the owlbear chick grows strong and healthy.

Where to Find the Owlbear Cub in the Goblin Camp

Finding the owlbear cub in the goblin camp can be challenging but rewarding. Head to the northern section of the camp, where goblins are most active.

The cub is usually kept in a makeshift pen guarded by several goblins. Stay alert and move stealthily to avoid unnecessary battles.

Use distractions or blend in by disguising yourself as a goblin to get close to the pen. Once you’ve reached the pen, carefully unlock it using your lock-picking skills.

Be quick and precise to avoid alerting the goblins to your actions. With the cub safely freed, make your escape and add this unique companion to your party.

How to Get Owlbear Cub in Camp BG3

Getting the owlbear cub in your camp in Baldur’s Gate 3 involves a few key steps. First, you need to find and befriend the cub in the goblin-infested cave by using food and animal handling skills.

Once the cub trusts you, you’ll have the option to keep it as a companion and take it back to your camp.

From there, ensure you care for the owlbear cub by keeping it well-fed and safe from harm. This attention will help the cub grow stronger and more attached to you.

With the cub at your camp, your party will gain a unique and powerful ally for future adventures.

Final Words

Dealing with the owlbear and its cub in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be a challenging yet rewarding experience.

Whether you choose to fight, befriend, or save the creatures, there are many possibilities for interaction and outcomes.

Remember to approach with caution and prepare for battle if necessary. And if you manage to befriend or save the owlbear cub, cherish and take care of it as it becomes a valuable companion and ally on your journey.

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